Scrooge McDuck Wikia
Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Abril's Duck Family Tree is a version of the Duck Family Tree published by the Brazilian Disney comics publisher Abril. Written by Leo Pires, illustrated by Yasmin Ayumi and edited by Felipe van Deursen, it features Cornelius Coot, Clinton Coot, Gertrude Gadwall, Gretchen Grebe, Humperdink Duck, Elvira Duck, Casey Coot, Cuthbert Coot, Fanny Coot, Luke Goose, Eider Duck, Lulubelle Loon, Daphne Duck, Gus Goose, Whitewater Duck, Fethry Duck, Molly Mallard, Titus McDuck, Quagmire McDuck, Angus McDuck, Jake McDuck, Fergus McDuck, Downy O'Drake, Goosetave Gander, Quackmore Duck, Hortense McDuck, Matilda McDuck, Scrooge McDuck, Gladstone Gander, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Della Duck, Mr Duck, Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck and, as "friends of the family", April, May and June and Gyro Gearloose. Donna Duck is mentioned in explanatory text.


Although seemingly inspired by Don Rosa's Duck Family Tree, this version of the Duck Family Tree makes numerous changes to it, coming to its own, quite surprising conclusions.

Most startlingly, the tree holds that Grandpa Humperdink from The Good Old Daze is not actually Grandma Duck's husband and Donald Duck's grandfather as usually reckoned, but instead Elvira's brother and Donald's great-uncle. In this version, this Humperdink Coot is in fact the husband of Gretchen Grebe and father of Fanny Coot and Cuthbert Coot.

Grandma's husband and Donald Duck's paternal grandfather is instead Casey, even though all other sources agree that Casey was Elvira's brother.

In its third and final idiosyncrasy, the tree also shows Gladstone Gander's father Goosetave to have been the son of Elvira and a blood uncle of Donald Duck's, while it is Gladstone's mother Daphne who marries into the Duck family. This is the opposite of what is presented in Don Rosa's Duck Family Tree, where Daphne Duck is Elvira's daughter and Goosetave Gander her husband.

Behind the scenes[]

This unusual take on the Duck Family Tree was published by Abril, but not in one of their Disney publications; instead, it was one of the "pop culture features" in the magazine Super Interessante #395-A, which bore the title Edição Especial Mundo Estranho. It has not, to date, been printed in English.
