Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Acids, in reality mere complex molecules, were once dreamed by Scrooge McDuck to be a microscopic sapient species in their own right.


In a dream Scrooge McDuck experienced in 1983, he and his nephews used a Shrinking Machine to explore the cells of an oak tree leaf — where they discovered a fully-fledged civilisation of sentient Chloroplasts. In that dream-world, he was introduced to the Acids as being among the also-sentient “building blocks of the cell”, who usually resided in lakes in “storage cells” alongside Sugars and Proteins so as to be available in a time of sunlight-starvation. Described as the chemical opposites of the cheerful Sugars, the Acids, as suggested by their names, were ‘acidic’ personalities, always grumpy and solitary.

Behind the scenes[]

The Acids first appeared in the 1983 comic story Plantastic Voyage.
