Scrooge McDuck Wikia
Scrooge McDuck Wikia

The 8th entry in the Hey, Daisy, Whatever Happened To Scrooge? series, entitled After the Goldrush was written and drawn by Jörg Drühl. It is considered a non-canonical, what-if parody scenario by this Wiki, and features Daisy Duck and Donald Duck, also mentioning Scrooge McDuck.


In a postapocalyptic New York, Donald and Daisy, living like carefree cavemen wonder what became of Scrooge McDuck


Behind the scenes[]

This entry in the Hey, Daisy, Whatever Happened To Scrooge? series was first published in the German fanzine Der Donaldist - Sonderheft #11. It has never been printed in the United States of America, or indeed reprinted anywhere at all.
