Alice's Wild West Show is a theatrical cartoon short directed by Walt Disney. It features Alice, Tubby O'Brien and Wild Bill Hiccup.
Alice and several kid friends of hers have mounted an amateur "wild west show", attended by other children. Things are off to a good start, but bully Tubby O'Brien and his gang show up, and Alice's acting troupe, terrified, runs away. Alice is forced to resort to simply standing on stage and telling a tall tale of her adventures in the wild west, from being chased in a stage-coach by natives on the warpath to single-handedly arresting bandit Wild Bill Hiccup.
Behind the scenes[]
This cartoon short was released as a silent in 1924 (it would be given its score in 1999). It is the third short in the Alice Comedies series (fourth if one chooses to count Alice's Wonderland).
In interviews, Virginia Davis identified Alice's Wild West Show as one of the episodes that stand out most in her memory of filming the Alice Comedies; she remembers being very happy to be allowed to act "tomboyish" as was her true inclination.
List of episodes of the Alice Comedies |
• Alice's Wonderland • Alice's Day at Sea • Alice's Spooky Adventure • Alice's Wild West Show • Alice's Fishy Story • Alice and the Dog Catcher • Alice the Peacemaker • Alice Gets in Dutch • Alice Hunting in Africa • Alice and the Three Bears • Alice the Piper • Alice Cans the Cannibals • Alice the Toreador • Alice Gets Stung • Alice Solves the Puzzle • Alice's Egg Plant • Alice Loses Out • Alice Gets Stage-Struck • Alice Wins the Derby • Alice Picks the Champ • Alice's Tin Pony • Alice Chops the Suey • Alice the Jail Bird • Alice Plays Cupid • Alice Rattled by Rats • Alice in the Jungle • Alice on the Farm • Alice's Balloon Race • Alice's Orphan • Alice's Little Parade • Alice's Mysterious Mystery • Alice Charms the Fish • Alice's Monkey Business • Alice in the Wooly West • Alice the Fire Fighter • Alice Cuts the Ice • Alice Helps the Romance • Alice's Spanish Guitar • Alice's Brown Derby • Alice the Lumberjack • Alice the Golf Bug • Alice Foils the Pirates • Alice at the Carnival • Alice at the Rodeo • Alice the Collegiate • Alice's Auto Race • Alice's Circus Daze • Alice's Knaughty Knight • Alice's Three Bad Eggs • Alice's Picnic • Alice's Channel Swim • Alice in the Klondike • Alice's Medicine Show • Alice the Whaler • Alice the Beach Nut • • Alice in the Big League • |