Scrooge McDuck Wikia

The Anthropomorphic Chicken is a sentient species to which Clara Cluck and Panchito Pistoles belong.

Physical Description[]

Anthropomorphic Chickens vary widely in appearance, with plumage coloring ranging from white to brown or red. An adult’s height ranges from that of an adult Duck to that of an adult Dog. Body types also vary widely, from resembling chickens almost entirely to being nearly human in appearance. Specimens of the latter resemble Cockatoos, to the point that the two species are often confused.

Like Ducks, Chickens at times are seen to grow hair or hair-like feathers atop their heads; however, it is also common for them to have red combs. They also tend to have large beaks similar to Duck bills, with the eyes appearing to touch them. Certain specimens have been seen with smaller beaks and/or “floating” eyes. While not universal, both roosters and hens have been seen to sport wattles.

Also like Ducks, Chickens often sport tails, though these are not always visible. they can have two or three-toed feet; some specimens can wear human-style shoes.
