Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Anthropomorphic Dogs, often referred to as Dognoses, is perhaps the most numerous sentient species of the Prime Universe. These characters can be based on nearly any species of real-world dog, and thus has a lot of variations. The regular cast includes Jughead Jones, Beagle Boys, Goofy and Chief O'Hara.


Generally, they appear roughly twice as tall as most duck/mouse characters, with tiny black noses, and usually have protruding mouths, like regular dogs. It's also more common for them to have facial hair, or male-pattern-baldness than it is for bird, mouse or pig species.


As the species can include characters based on any species of real-world dogs, which means they would be too numerous to list here. Rather, the sub-species should be divided into different designs.


The longfaces have mouths that stick out much more than a lot of other characters. In most characters, this will be their mouth and nose, while in some, it's just their nose.

These include Diamond Dick, Scuttle, Captain Ramrod and Albert Quackmore.


The roundheads' mouths do not protrude as much as with the longmouths, instead their heads are somewhat ball-shaped.

This category includes Butch (1930), Chief O'Hara, and Clerkly.


The longnoses are a rare, but recurring group, which were for the most part introduced early by Floyd Gottfredson. Thus they primarily appear in Mouse-centred stories. They are quite distinct from the other groups, as their faces are quite flat, and does not protrude at all. Indeed, the primary difference between them and humans is only their long, vertical noses.

They include Phantom Blot, Colonel Bassett, and Eli Squinch.
