Scrooge McDuck Wikia

You might be looking for another page with a similar name. If so, visit Carl (disambiguation).

Carl the Pianist is or was a male anthropomorphoc dog.


During the Klondike Gold Rush (1896-1898), this jovial mustached man was Goldie O'Gilt's pianist at the Blackjack Saloon. Seemingly on to Goldie's buried affection for Scrooge McDuck, Carl deemed the scrappy Scottish argonaut a good man beneath his rough exterior, and would often tell Goldie as much.

Behind the scenes[]

Carl the Pianist makes a brief appearance in the 2007 story The Time Vortex. He is transparently a cartoonified version of Carl Barks, to whom the story is a homage. An in-universe version of Barks is known to exist in the present day; it is unclear what relationship this Carl has to him.
