Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Chainsaw is a non anthropomorphic dog and the pet of the Pete the Family.


Chainsaw is a small dog of an unknown breed that lives with the Pete family. Chainsaw is a very excitable and short-tempered little dog that loves burying objects she finds, which can sometimes lead to problems with the Goof and Pete family when she buries their possessions such as P.J.'s baseball glove, Max's walkman and even Pete's boat!

Pete often spoils Chainsaw, but other times plays jokes on her. Pistol likes playing with Chainsaw, as well as Waffles

Chainsaw is rivals with the Goofy's cat, Waffles and loves chasing him, however the cunning Waffles can often outsmart her and at times, starts conflict by playing a tricks on her. That said, Chainsaw can be friendly with Waffles at times, particularly when they find commonality in something such as their mutual dislike of being dressed up by Pistol.

Behind the scenes[]

Like Waffles, Chainsaw does not appear in A Goofy Movie or An Extremely Goofy Movie for the sake of focusing on the Max and Goofy relationship.

Pistol Pete occasionally refers to Chainsaw with male pronouns, but this is assumed to be either a writer's error or simply a quirk of Pistol's childish behavior.
