Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Concavia, officially the Kingdom of Concavia, is an underground world located in the depths of the planet Earth.

History and Description[]

Concavia is a mysterious underground kingdom, located, according to its inhabitant Wing Ding, about 5000 miles beneath the surface of the Earth. It is a place where ordinary physics appear not to apply, as it is as common to walk on the (grassy) ceiling as it is on the ground, and, indeed, most people do. Light in Concavia is supplied by the Concavia Lights Work, a factory which somehow vacuums up raw darkness and converts it into bright sunlight. Other strange features of Concavia include the Uphill River (which flows ever upwards, until it reaches the surface as Old Faithful) and the fact that aside from the Twitz, none of its denizens ever utter a noise.

Aside from various animals, no different from their surface-world counterparts, there are two species that inhabit Concavia. The first are the Concavians, short, elf-like humanoids who live a peaceful life as the Kingdom of Concavia. Concavians, who have many peculiar customs and enjoy surprisingly advanced technology, were locked until 1954 in perpetual war with the Twitz, a mischievous race of two-dimensional beings with a taste for marshmallows.

In 1954, Mickey Mouse was brought to Concavia by the Concavian explorer Wing Ding using the Earthaplane to become its King and find new and better ways to fight the war with the Twitz. Unfortunately for the Concavians (who privately thought the war their first and best source of entertainment), Mickey proved too good at this and captured the entire Twitz army by luring them into a goldenrod field where their out-of-control sneezing ended up incapacitating them; thus ending the war for good. Mickey then appointed Wing Ding the new King of Concavia in his stead, and headed back for the surface through the Uphill River (the Earthaplane having been destroyed).

Behind the scenes[]

Concavia is the main location in the 1954 comic strip continuity A Fatal Occupation.
