Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Daphne Duck was a female anthropomorphic duck.


Daphne Duck was the mother of Gladstone Gander. By most accounts, Daphne is the daughter of Grandma and Grandpa Duck, the paternal aunt of Donald Duck and Della Duck, the sister-in-law of Hortense McDuck, the aunt-in-law of Mr. Duck, and also the maternal grand-aunt of Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck on their maternal grandfather's side, although one singular account holds that it was Daphne's husband Goosetave who was a blood relation of Donald's as the son of Grandma Duck, while Daphne was a mere in-law.[1] Daphne is extremely lucky due to a travelling magician having painted a lucky sign on the Ducks' barn on the day she was born.[2] She married wealthy Goosetave Gander and had three sons, Gladstone, Sadstone and one who remains unnamed but would become the father of Shamrock, as well as a similarly anonymous daughter.[3] Daphne was a very affectionate mother to Gladstone, and, when he was a toddler, often took him for walks through the countryside, often in the very picturesque valley of Mount Snowy, where Gladstone found his very first four-leaved clover.[4]

Due to having grown up on her mother Grandma Duck's farm, she valued hard work in spite of her luck rendering it unneeded, unlike her lucky son; due to this, the luck allowing her to succeed in every endeavor she tried, she died  extremely rich, living in Portofino.[5] She and her husband reportedly died from "overeating at a public picnic",[6] which, according to one account, was a simplified "official story" for their dying of their food having contained shards of glass due to an accident — the existence of this accident and its ability to harm the lucky Daphne having been due to that day being Gladstone's year unlucky birthday.[7][FANWORK]

In a story from 2022, however, her husband Goostave is shown to be alive visiting his adult son, but Daphne is never seen nor mentioned, this probably confirms that Daphne had died at some point.[8]


Scrooge McDuck Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Daphne Duck.

Behind the scenes[]

Daphne Duck first appeared in the 1950's in Carl Barks's first Duck Family Tree, although in this version, Barks had drawn her closer to the look that would eventually be attributed to Lulubelle Loon. She has made several appearances ever since.

Probably by pure coincidence, a blonde-haired female duck by the name of Daphne Duck briefly appeared in the 1980 independant comic series Dick Duck, by Jim Engel, as the titular main character's love interest.

Notes and references[]

  1. Abril's Duck Family Tree.
  2. According to Don Rosa's 1998 story The Sign of the Triple Distlefink.
  3. It is, in fact, unthinkable that Sadstone could ever have been married.
  4. According to the 1995 Italian story Rivoglio il quadrifoglio!, written by Fabio Michelini and drawn by Alessandro Barbucci.
  5. According to an interview given in 2009 by Don Rosa.
  6. Carl Barks's first Duck Family Tree
  7. According to the unlicensed The White Balloon.