Scrooge McDuck Wikia
Scrooge McDuck Wikia

You might be looking for another page with a similar name. If so, visit Double-O-Duck (disambiguation).

Double-O-Duck is an alternative persona's of Launchpad McQuack, originating in the 2017 Continuum.


Inspired by the lore and style of the video game of the same name, this “Double-O-Duck” was a hyperintelligent, British-accented super-spy and champion of right, “born” from the reaches of Launchpad McQuack when he was accidentally blasted with Black Heron's Intello-Ray. He helped save the day from Steelbeak's attempt to rob all Duckburgers of their intelligence with the same ray but, in the process, had to let himself be blasted by the intelligence-draining version of the ray. This restored Launchpad to normal, but Double-O-Duck's consciousness continued to exist inside his mindscape, more or less unable to contact the regular Launchpad. After a few futile attempts to get Launchpad to warn Scrooge McDuck about the threat of F.O.W.L., Double-O-Duck gave up and decided to “go for a soak”.

Behind the scenes[]

Double-O-Duck appears in the 2020 DuckTales 2017 episode Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash Twice.
