Scrooge McDuck Wikia
Legend of the Three Caballeros Poster

Legend of the Three Caballeros is a 2018 animated series focusing on the adventures of the Three Caballeros, and centering around a mysterious magical atlas discovered by the three, which will help them in their fight against an evil wizard and his apprentice. Though a first season of 13 episodes was released on the DisneyLife app, the show was inexplicably shrouded in mystery upon its discovery, and was not initially covered on usually-reliable websites such as IMDB and Wikipedia, though Steve Hullett revealed that he knew something of the project. The series eventually received a more official debut on Disney+.


The series apparently focuses on the Three Caballeros, Donald Duck, José Carioca and Panchito Pistoles, going on adventures all over the world as they take up the mantle of the original Three Caballeros. It has a colorful feel but is far from being as surreal as the original film. 

Featured Characters[]

List of episodes[]

  1. Dope-a-Cabana
  2. Labyrinth and Repeat
  3. Pyramid-Life Crisis
  4. World Tree Caballeros
  5. No Man Is an Easter Island
  6. Stonehenge Your Bets
  7. Mount Rushmore Or Less
  8. Nazca Racing
  9. Mexico à Go-Go
  10. Mt. Fuji Whiz
  11. Thanks a Camelot
  12. Shangri-La-Di-Da
  13. Sheldgoose Square Dance

