Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Gerner Von Dipp is an anthropomorphic dog.


An eccentric P.E. teacher with a passing resemblance to Goofy (though the two did not know each other until meeting out of random chance in 2011), Von Dipp likes to let people think he is some more scientific type of academic. The overgrown kid is also a sci-fi-comic-book enthusiast with shaky sense of logic and an even shakier grasp on reality. In 2011, however, both qualities came in handy when he joined forces with Goofy, Mickey Mouse and Darlene Decibel in trying to fight off the metafictional invasion of the living Caption Boxes!

Behind the scenes[]

This character has, so far, only appeared in the 2011 story Night of the Living Text!.

His English name of Gerner Von Dipp mixes that of iconic 1960's rocket scientist Werner Von Braun with the name of "Goofy", and Goofy's old nickname "Dippy".
