Scrooge McDuck Wikia
Scrooge McDuck Wikia

The Duck Family Tree, more widely known as Giovan Battista Carpi's Duck Family Tree, is a version of the duck family tree created by Giovan Battista Carpi based on research by Luca Boschi.


Created with the frame device that Daisy Duck has created an outdoors, literal Duck Family Tree by hanging various portraits of Duck family members on a large tree, the tree does not offer much in the way of outright genealogy, simply ordering the characters in loose generational orders and giving hints as to how they might fit together, inasmuch as the McDucks are all on one side and the American families on the right. Notably, despite the tree's Italian origin, Elvira Duck is on the Duck side, far away from Scrooge McDuck, rather than depicted as his sister.

The tree also famously includes the Grandpa Duck from No Hunting and Grandpa Duck from The Good Old Daze as separate characters, the No Hunting character being accounted for as Donald's great-grandfather (Bluffer Duck does not appear in the tree).

The following characters appear on the tree:

Additionally, Daisy Duck is still holding an additional picture frame (the canvas turned away from the reader), and appears unsure where to put it.

Behind the scenes[]

This version of the Duck Family Tree was created as part of the chapter “Una famiglia numerosa” of the 1994 Italian book Walt Disney Presenta Paperina e le altre. It has never been printed in English.
