Scrooge McDuck Wikia

The 4th entry in the Hey, Daisy, Whatever Happened To Scrooge? series was written and drawn by Volker Reiche. It features Daisy Duck, Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck, with a painting of Carl Barks prominently featured.


Scrooge McDuck takes to painting portraits of Carl Barks, arguing that if Barks can make money off his likeness, Scrooge can turn things around!


  • Carl Barks's paintings of Scrooge McDuck and other Duck characters from the real world are confirmed to exist in-universe; this would again feature in such stories as The Man Who Drew Ducks (1992) and The Black Knight Glorps Again (2004).

Behind the scenes[]

This entry in the Hey, Daisy, Whatever Happened To Scrooge? series was first published in the German fanzine Der Donaldist - Sonderheft #11. It has never been printed in the United States of America.
