Scrooge McDuck Wikia

The 3rd entry in the Hey, Daisy, Whatever Happened To Scrooge? series, technically bearing the printed title Hey Daisy -one, two, stomp!- whatever happened to -three, four, womp!- Scrooge?, was written and drawn by Volker Reiche. It features Daisy Duck, Donald Duck and Scrooge McDuck.


Spotting a coin forgotten in the middle of a busy dance floor, Scrooge McDuck gets himself into yet another tight situation out of greed!

Behind the scenes[]

This entry in the Hey, Daisy, Whatever Happened To Scrooge? series was first published in the German fanzine Der Donaldist - Sonderheft #11. It has never been printed in the United States of America, and is strangely not individually indexed by INDUCKS, though it is referenced among the contents of INDUCKS's entry for the fanzine.
