Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Inspector Tezuka is a police inspector from Tokyolk.


Twenty years prior to Huey Duck's visit to her home city, Tezuka was forced to deal with the threat of 2-BO, a robot created by Gyro Gearloose and corrupted by his mentor Doctor Akita. After stopping the robot's rampage, Tezuka came to hold both Gyro and Akita responsible, unaware-as was Gyro himself-of Akita's sole role in prompting the attack. Though Gyro left Tokyolk and didn't return for twenty years, Tezuka still recognized him upon his return, having failed to locate Akita in the meantime. 2-BO, who had returned to Tokyolk with Gyro, was hacked by Akita, who made his return and sent the robot on a second rampage. After this was contained and Akita defeated, Tezuka chose to expel Gyro's party from the city, rather than arresting them all for the massive property damage their presence had caused.

Behind the scenes[]

Inspector Tezuka made her debut in the DuckTales 2017 episode Astro B.O.Y.D.!, which aired first on May 2, 2020. As one of the many pop culture references in the episode, Tezuka is named for Osamu Tezuka, the creator of Astro Boy.

Voice actor[]

  • Tamlyn Tomita

