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Scrooge McDuck Wikia

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Jim Hawkins was a human male.


The young, brave and adventurous son of the innkeeper of the Benbow Inn, in 18th century England, Jim Hawkins was plunged into a swashbuckling adventure on Treasure Island when one of the inn's guest, the old pirate William Bones, took a liking to him. Earning the feared Long John Silver's friendship and respect, Hawkins returned to England with a share of the treasure of his own, having been instrumental in defending it and the honest men of the journey against the pirates.

Jim later went on numerous other adventures with Silver, whom he had forgiven for his crimes due to Silver saving his life on several occasions, even at personal cost. At some point, a novel was made from Jim's first adventure on Treasure Island, and it remained famous to the modern day, where numerous theatrical and movie adaptations were made. In several of them, Mickey Mouse starred as Jim.

Behind the scenes[]

Jim Hawkins is the main pro in the 1950 film Treasure Island and a few other Disney adaptations and parodies of the Treasure Island story.

Treasure Planet is in essence a space opera retelling of the Treasure Island story, and for this reason its (somewhat older) protagonist is also named "Jim Hawkins", though the two are different characters.

As there were issues with Bobby Driscoll's status in Great Britain, he could only stay six weeks for the shooting of Treasure Island. As recounted in the director's memoirs, Byron Haskin thus began by all his close-ups, and numerous action scenes with Jim were shot with Michael Croudson instead.

Portrayed By[]
