Kildare Coot, called Sgrizzo in the original Italian, is an anthropomorphic hybrid of coot, duck and loon.
Kildare is a relative of Donald Duck and Fethry Duck. He is even more unstable than Fethry, but makes up for his fly-sized attention span with his outgoing attitude and general happy enthusiasm. For years, Kildare was interned in a clinic, until he was deemed sane enough and discharged — a blatantly false diagnosis, as Kildare has been seeding chaos in Duckburg ever since. But again, Kildare ultimately means well, and, for all annoyed that Donald may act, Kildare is alike to Fethry in that Donald ultimately cares about him.
Behind the scenes[]
Kildare was created in 1964 by Romano Scarpa in Kildare, the Weirdest Duck in the World. Coincidentally, Kildare had been created the same year as the similar character Fethry Duck, which may be why he never took off in the same proportions that Fethry did.