McMystery at McDuck McManor is a cartoon story directed by John Aoshima, also once performed as a live reading. It features Scrooge McDuck, Flintheart Glomgold, Huey Duck, Dewey Duck, Louie Duck, Webbigail Vanderquack, Mrs Beakley, Ma Beagle, Mark Beaks, and, in their debuts, Black Art Beagle and Duckworth. Great-Grandpappy Beagle and the former Mayor of Duckburg are also mentioned (and a portrait of them is seen).
It is Scrooge's birthday, and he doesn't want to celebrate. Huey throws him a party anyway, and, letting Louie invite the guests, accidentally ends up with a party full of Scrooge's nemeses. When Scrooge disappears during the act of shady magician Nik Nokturne (actually a sorcerer and Beagle Boy called Black Art Beagle), will it turn out that one of the villains did it? Or is something more supernatural going on at McDuck Manor?
- Dewey Duck would later re-use the identity of "DJ Daft Duck" in the animated webcast Glomgold Theme Song Takeover (2019).
- A fog machine of the same brand (Mist Opportunity) as the one used by Black Arts Beagle later appeared in The Trickening (2020).
Behind the scenes[]
McMystery at McDuck McManor premiered in Scandinavia on March 28, 2018. The story was, rather uniquely, first seen in the U.S.A. in the form of a live table read of the script on the 12th of May, later uploaded on the Disney Channel's YouTube channel.