Moola on the Move is a comic one-pager written & drawn by Carl Barks. It features Scrooge McDuck and (in his first appearance) the Maharajah.
Scrooge McDuck and the Maharajah come across each other, each driving an unexpected vehicle: a hay wagon and a gravel truck, respectively. What each machine contains is another matter entirely…
- Scrooge McDuck and the Maharajah seem to be friendly with each other, and Scrooge is not surprised to see him in Duckburg.
- Scrooge McDuck previously matched fortunes with a different jewel-wealthy Indian royal, the Maharajah of Howduyustan, in Statuesque Spendthrifts (1952) and The Tuckered Tiger (1955). However, the Maharajah in those stories looked and acted quite differently from the more laid-back Maharajah introduced here;
- The new, friendlier Maharajah soon reappeared as a participant in the Great Space Race in The Twenty-Four Carat Moon (1958).
Behind the scenes[]
Conceived in late 1957, this story was first printed in 1958 in Uncle Scrooge #24. It was reprinted in English in Uncle Scrooge #279, in the various Carl Barks Libraries, and in the Australian Giant #240 and Walt Disney's Comics #320.