Mr Coot was a male anthropomorphic coot, possibly with some duck blood.
Little is known about this man, one of Cornelius Coot's children, save that he must have had children at some point, as John D. Rockerduck is in some fashion descended from him.
Behind the scenes[]
This son of Cornelius Coot's appears on Johannes A. Grote's Duck Family Tree from 1999. The notion that Rockerduck was descended from Cornelius Coot in some fashion derives from the fact that in the German translations, Cornelius and John share the same last name of "Erpel".
Although Rockerduck's Coot ancestor does not visually appear in Donald Duck's Big Family, this 2019 family tree implicitly references him by once more showing Rockerduck himself to be a descendant of Cornelius Coot's.