Scrooge McDuck Wikia

The Mythical Goat is a mysterious being from the mystical realm of Goat'hool, who, when visiting earthly realms, takes the form of a speaking, but non-anthropomorphic, goat.


This deep-voiced goat is a powerful magical being and the ruler of the world of Goat'hool. In 2019, taking on the “terrestrial form” of a small grayish goat with glowing green eyes, he visited McDuck Manor and lured Scrooge McDuck, Louie Duck and Donald Duck into an adventure in Goat'hool, during which Louie briefly usurped the Goat's crown before learning that “real royalty comes from within”. The Goat popped up again a year later, once again asking the Ducks for help when the Crown of Goat'hool wa splaced in jeopardy.

Behind the scenes[]

The Mythical Goat (only so named by the end credits) appears in the 2019 DuckTales 2017 episode The Golden Spear. He is again featured — although he does not appear on-screen — in The Phantom and the Sorceress (2020).

Voice Actors[]
