Scrooge McDuck Wikia
Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Commander Powderhorn McBeagle is the probable English name of a character referred to as Comendador Polvorinho Metralha in Brazilian translations and Prosper de Rapetou or Mac Rapetou in French ones. He was presumably a male anthropomorphic dog.


Commander Powderhorn McBeagle was the great-grandfather of the Duckburg trio of Beagle Boys. Living in Scotland, he once dared Scrooge's grandfather to spend a night inside Castle MacAdam; a dime was wagered on it. In the end McDuck took flight without either spending the night in the haunted castle or paying up. Decades later, Powderhorn's heirs tried to use this old unpaid debt as leverage to get Scrooge McDuck to legally hand his fortune over to them.

Behind the scenes[]

Powderhorn McBeagle is referred to in the 1965 story When A Dime's A Dime.

As the story's English version is, at present, unavailable to this Wiki, we have been forced to deduce a probable English name from the Brazilian and French translations of the story. The input of anyone with access to the original English version, or, failing that, to other foreign translations which may provide further clues, would be most appreciated.
