Return to Plain Awful is a story written and drawn by Don Rosa. It features Donald Duck , Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Flintheart Glomgold, the Old Vicuña Hunter, the Junior Woodchucks, the Awfultonians, the Square Chickens, and, in cameo appearances, the Maharajah of Howduyustan, Azure Blue, Longhorn Tallgrass, Chisel McSue and the Brutopian representative.
Scrooge McDuck travels to Plain Awful with his nephews, hoping to make a deal with the Awfultonians for their famed square eggs while Huey, Dewey and Louie return two square roosters to their proper home. Flintheart Glomgold, having spied on the Ducks, follows them, hoping to make a deal himself.
When Scrooge, Donald and the triplets arrive in Plain Awful, everything seems to be going well - until Scrooge makes the mistake of showing the Awfultonians his Lucky Dime. Unfortunately for the Ducks, anything round is outlawed in Plain Awful, and anyone who brings something round is forced to work in the quarry for the rest of their lives! The Awfultonian President agrees to let Scrooge go free in exchange for an ice cream soda (the Awfultonians having reshaped their culture around the image of Donald Duck since his last visit).
Meanwhile, Flintheart is lost, and decides to exchange an ice cream soda with the Awfultonians for guidance back to civilization. He teams up with the Ducks, but welches on their deal after getting the ice cream soda, leaving the Ducks to improvise their own makeshift soda.
However, by the time they get back to the Awfultonians, they find that their culture has again been reshaped in the image of Scrooge and Flintheart. The President (now "Chairman of the Board") demands money instead of ice cream sodas, having nothing to store in their brand new Money Bin. Because Flintheart had already spent all of the money he had with him while obtaining the ice cream soda, Scrooge is the only person able to pay, handing over one billion dollars (entirely in bills, of course).
To the billionaires' horror, each bill is chopped in two, leaving perfect square pieces, the favorite shape of the Awfultonians. The two abandon the deal entirely, leaving Plain Awful, while Huey, Dewey, and Louie give the Awfultonians a copy of the Woodchuck guidebook so as to remedy the damage caused by Scrooge and Flintheart by giving them something better to model their civilization on.
To be written
To be written
Behind the scenes[]
Return to Plain Awful was first printed in the American, Donald Duck Adventures #12 1989.[1] It was refers to Carl Barks' story, Lost in the Andes.