Scrooge McDuck Wikia

This page is meant to be used by users who wish to request rights on the Scrooge McDuck Wiki.

Creating a request

To create a request, enter "Scrooge McDuck Wiki:[Right name] request/[Your username]" into the box, then click "Create page". For example, a user named "Donald Duck" requesting Admin rights would put: "Scrooge McDuck Wiki:Admin request/Donald Duck". Then, write your request in the box that appears, and click "Publish". The Scrooge McDuck wiki staff will then review your request.


  • To request rights, users must have consistently edited the wiki for at least one month, and their edits must be useful contributions to the wiki
  • Users should only request the right a level above their current right, for example, they should not request Admin rights unless they are already a Content Moderator.
  • [ Scrooge MacDuck, if there are any other guidelines you think there should be, add them here ]

Request Chat Moderator rights

Request Content Moderator rights

Request Admin rights

Request Bureaucrat rights
