Sea For Yourself is a comic story written and drawn by Aristide Twain. It features the Wellsians Rusk and Shogorf.
Rusk and Shogorf seem to have piloted their Tripod to the middle of nowhere, but Shogorf doesn't believe Rusk when the other Wellsian seems to figure out exactly where they are…
- This comic takes place some time after Towering Success (2019), all within the timeframe of The Wellsians (2019).
- Eight Bendy Legs Under The Sea (2020) follows from the events of this story, with Rusk and Shogorf's Tripod now treading at the very bottom of the sea.
Behind the scenes[]
Sea For Yourself was released on June the 29th, 2020 on the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids website.