Sir Stuft McDuck was a member of the McDuck clan.
Richard the Lionheart needed to finance the crusades in 1189, and then the McDuck Clan leader funded him. It is logical both chronologically and because of the similarity of his appearance that that clan leader was actually Stuft McDuck. He helped finance them before his death.
Sir Stuft McDuck created the first leveraged buy-out and paid 10,000 marks to buy Scotland out of feudal subjection, draining, however, the clan's coffers.
Clan McDuck was impoverished, as a result. Stuft received the title of Sir sometime during his lifetime, possibly for funding the crusades.
Behind the Scenes[]
Stuft was first mentioned in The Old Castle's Secret, though only his grave was shown. He was not used again until Don Rosa's The History of the Clan McDuck. Although he was cut from the finished version in The Last of the Clan McDuck, he did make an appearance as a ghost on the final page of The New Laird of Castle McDuck.