Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Stickleville is a small country town in the United States of America, located not far from Mouseton (and thus presumably in Calisota).


Stickleville is an unassuming small town located in the country outside Mouseville. In 1939, shortly after buying one of the cameras the Phantom Blot was after, Silas Perkins moved from Mouseville to Stickleville and opened a general store. By the time Mickey Mouse visited, his married sister and her daughter also lived in Stickleville, although it's unclear if they had resided there before Silas or if they had followed him there.

Behind the scenes[]

Stickleville appears in the 1939 story Mickey Mouse Outwits the Phantom Blot.

In the 1994 pseudo-remake of the story, Stickleville's role is filled by the similarly-named Stickville.
