Teddy's Campaign is a story written and drawn by Don Rosa, composed of two pages from an unfinished draft of the tenth chapter of The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. It features Scrooge McDuck, Hortense McDuck, Matilda McDuck and Theodore Roosevelt, with Roosevelt swearing by "great jumping Jehosaphat".
Upon learning, in a somewhat garbled message from the Junior Woodchucks, that "an invading Scottish businessman has taken control of a military base" near the coast of Calisota, Theodore Roosevelt is all the more spurred to act by his need to look good ahead of his impending reelection…
- This storyboard-story is an extract from an earlier draft of The Invader of Fort Duckburg (1994), the 10th chapter of The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. It gives a slightly longer account of Roosevelt's receiving the news about Scrooge's arrival in America, adding the repeated mentions of Roosevelt's reelection.
Behind the scenes[]
Teddy's Campaign was created by Don Rosa in or around 1994. It was published online on DUCKhunt as part of the Lost Scripts, where it received its individual title of Teddy's Campaign.