Scrooge McDuck Wikia

This page describes content which, while legally created, was not licensed by the Walt Disney Company. The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids is the official Wordpress website for the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids, used to host various media related to it.


The website contains a succinct ‘About’ page as well as presentations of Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids ebooks (with links for the download thereof).

Most importantly, its ‘Blog’ is the venue for the release of various new works of fully-licensed fiction starring the Cupids.

These have so far included the following:

Short Stories[]

Cupid Fact Files[]

Cupid Tales[]

Cupid Courier[]

Incident Reports[]


  • The Book of Evil

Video Games[]


Cupid Comics comic-strips[]

From the 2019 Advent Calendar[]

  • Geometrons' Holiday
  • A Message From Philatel
  • Merry Christmas from Arganthone-056
  • Wintertime Woes
  • A Very H.G. Christmas
  • Szaclowk Christmas
  • …And A Thymey New Year!

From the 2020 Advent Calendar[]


The Cupid Archives[]


Behind the scenes[]

The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids is hosted by Wordpress.

The site was, coincidentally, created just a few days before the one year anniversary of the first of the Horde-copycat societies creation on Joe Torcivia's The Issue At Hand.
