Les Donalds Célèbres (translatable as The Famous Donalds) is written story of currently-unknown penmanship, illustrated by Eddy Ryssack. Mentioning Donald Duck, it is a historical feature more than anything else, pledging to teach its reader about real-world history, but is presented with the in-universe framing of a research into Donald's potential ancestors and historical namesakes, meaning the information disclosed is applicable to in-universe counterparts of the historical figures cited. They are Saint Donald, Donald Bane, Duncan I, Macbeth, Malcolm Ceann Mor, Duncan II, Edgar, William Shakespeare, Donald MacDonald, Donald Dubh, James IV, Étienne-Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre MacDonald, Napoléon Bonaparte, Sir Malcolm Campbell and Donald Campbell.
The story presents itself an effort to track down possible ancestors of the modern-day Donald Duck familiar to its reader, be they only precursors and namesakes, throughout Scottish history — a history marked by quite a large number of Donalds indeed, and almost as many instances of those rough Scotsmen hitting dissenters with club, proof that the name of Donald and an irascible temper have always been associated…
- Don Rosa's The History of the Clan McDuck (1992) unwittingly covers much of the same terrain of Scottish history as The Famous Donalds.
Behind the scenes[]
This article was only ever published in July of 1975 in France in Le Journal de Mickey #1205. It has never been reprinted.