Scrooge McDuck Wikia

The Lost Mine of Misery Mountains is a comic story written by Carl Fallberg and drawn by Jack Bradbury. It features Goofy, Mickey Mouse and Grubstake Goofy.


Goofy has found a map to the fabled lost Mule Mine in the portrait frame of his old great-uncle Grubstake. Overjoyed, he sells his house and buys a fire department car (in the hope that it will throw off any crooks who'd follow him for the Mine) to ride to the Misery Mountains with Mickey

Behind the scenes[]

This story was first printed in the United States of America in 1957 in Mickey Mouse #56. It was reprinted in Mickey Mouse #207, and also in the Australian Mickey Mouse #18 and #150, the South African Mickey Mouse #13, and the British World Distributors #40.
