Scrooge McDuck Wikia

You might be looking for another page with a similar name. If so, visit Richest Duck in the World (disambiguation).

The Richest Duck in the World! is a cartoon story written by Madison Bateman and directed by Matthew Humphreys. It features Huey Duck, Dewey Duck, Louie Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Zan Owlson, Webby Vanderquack, Della Duck, Launchpad McQuack, Buzzard Brothers, Lieutenant Penumbra, Johnny and Randy Empire, and Gavin, and, in their debuts, Mr Zee and the series's version of Bombie the Zombie.


After conning his way to the top, can Louie Duck handle the pressures and responsibilities of being the richest duck in the world yet? It's not just, as it turns out, a matter of business sense and practicality (although Louie's bad at that too). There is also a very good reason why Scrooge was always so insistent on making allowances in the budget for "magical protections"…



Behind the Scenes[]

The Richest Duck in the World first aired on September the 11th, 2019.

List of episodes of DuckTales 2017
Season 1
Woo-oo!Daytrip of DoomThe Great Dime ChaseThe Beagle Birthday MassacreTerror of the Terra-FirmiansThe House of the Lucky GanderThe Infernal Internship of Mark BeaksThe Living Mummies of Toth-RaThe Impossible Summit of Mount NeverrestThe Missing Links of MoorshireMcMystery at McDuck McManorThe Spear of Selene • Beware the B.U.D.D.Y. SystemJAW$The Golden Lagoon of White Agony PlainsDay of the Only ChildFrom the Confidential Casefiles of Agent 22Who Is Gizmoduck?The Other Bin of Scrooge McDuckSky Pirates… in the Sky!The Secret(s) of Castle McDuckThe Last Crash of the SunchaserThe Shadow War
Season 2
The Most Dangerous Game… Night • The Depths of Cousin FethryThe Ballad of Duke BaloneyThe Town Where Everyone Was NiceStorkules in DuckburgLast ChristmasWhat Ever Happened to Della Duck?Friendship Hates MagicTreasure of the Found LampThe Outlaw Scrooge McDuckThe 87 Cent SolutionThe Golden SpearNothing Can Stop Della DuckRaiders of the Doomsday VaultThe Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra DeeThe Duck Knight ReturnsWhat Ever Happened to Donald Duck?Happy Birthday, Doofus DrakeA Nightmare on Killmotor HillThe Golden Armory of Cornelius CootTimephoonGlomTalesThe Richest Duck in the WorldMoonvasion
Season 3
Challenge of the Senior Junior WoodchucksQuack Pack!Double-O-Duck in You Only Crash TwiceThe Lost Harp of MervanaLouie's ElevenAstro B.O.Y.D.!The Rumble for RagnarokThe Phantom and the SorceressThey Put a Moonlander on the Earth!The TrickeningThe Forbidden Fountain of the ForevergladesLet's Get Dangerous!Escape from the ImpossiBinThe Split Sword of SwanstantineNew Gods on the BlockThe First AdventureThe Fight for Castle McDuckHow Santa Stole ChristmasBeaks in the ShellThe Lost Cargo of Kit CloudkickerThe Life and Crimes of Scrooge McDuckThe Last Adventure
Welcome to DuckburgThe Lost Key of Tralla LaLife is Full Of Adventures With AflacRemix IDDuckTales - Watch It On HULU LiveLaunchpad McQuackThe Hunt for the Ghost Bride's RingMcDuck Mashup30 Things With DuckTalesWebby Reacts To…Summer Secrets Unlocked with WebbyThe World's Longest DeathtrapFLYRadio Disney Music AwardsTurn Off Your Phone PSASolving Mysteries and Rewriting History! (A DuckTales Book)Duckburg's Funniest Home VideosDuckFailsWand IDsEvery Day They're Out There Knitting DuckTales, Woo-oo!Launchpad Theme Song TakeoverGlomgold Theme Song Takeover • Rewriting History: Endgame! Woo-oo! • DuckTales Adventure MapA Forecast For DuckburgDuckTales Most Wanted
Dewey Dew-Night!
Dewey Dew-Night: The Sidekick • Dewey Dew-Night: The InterviewDewey Dew-Night: Will It Crash?Dewey Dew-Night: Bedtime
DuckTales: Be Healthy
Guitar FishAsparagustusVeggie Code
The Kids' Favorite Things
Webby's Favorite DisguisesLouie's Favorite TreasuresHuey's Favorite Top TechDewey's Favorite Quests
Books & Other Prose
DuckTales: Woo-oo!DuckTales: Living Mummies!DuckTales: Tunnel of Terror!DuckTales: Duck, Duck, Golf!
Spin-Off Books
DuckTales DoodlesLaunchpad's NotepadSolving Mysteries and Rewriting History
IDW Comics
Big Trouble at Little LakeThe Repeating Revenge of the Screaming DuckThe Chilling Secret of the LighthouseThe Great Experiment of the Washing MachineOld Monteplumage Had a ChickenA Viking at My Door!Cheating Like NostradogmusBeware of the Phenomenal Pumpkin People!Happy, Happy Valley!Fight!Go, Go, Golden Years!A Series of Unfortunate SubstitutionsWelcome to Beagle Island!The Giant Butterfly of Duckburg!There Is No Place Like A Ghost TownThe Stone of Truth!The Beast in the Board RoomSleep (Walk) of DoomThe Risk McDuck Refused
The Frightful Family Fishing TripThe Hedge EnigmaThe Twisted Tale of the Two-Headed HorseHorror in the HighlandsNightmare on Bear MountainThe Greatest Adventure, the Greatest Price!When Luck Ran Out! • Countdown to TerminationThe Mighty Ducks of DuckburgThe Monsters Are Due at McDuck Manor!The Greatest Invention He's Never HadThe Incredible Shrinking WebbyMarooned in Mystery MansionMoney-Grubbing Hooligans from the DeepFlintheart… McDuck?!?Saga of the Super-Intern
IDW Spin-Offs
Silence Is Golden!Phantom ScienceWhere No Duck Has Gone Before, Sort Of!
The Renaissance Fair… Affair!Under the Cover of Can'tarctica!Will The Real Launchpad Please Stand Up?
The BabysitterThe New WebbigailDart GunsLaunchpad McQuack Meets Lord DominatorHead CanonDance of DreamsThe Two Darkwings
Raiding Area 51He's Not Allowed To Use Computers AnymoreLlewellynfieldCrash CourseGosalyn Fights DirtyI'm ScaredDeleted Dinner
Video Games
All Ducked OutDuckburg Quest
List of episodes of The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck
By Don Rosa
Side-Steps and Precursors
Of Ducks, Dimes and DestiniesLast Sled to DawsonThe Dream of a Lifetime
The Original Saga
I: The Last of the Clan McDuckII: The Master of the MississippiIII: The Buckaroo of the BadlandsIV: The King of the Copper Hill
V: The New Laird of Castle McDuckVI: The Terror of the TransvaalVII: Dreamtime Duck of the Never NeverVIII: King of the Klondike
IX: The Billionaire of Dismal DownsX: The Invader of Fort DuckburgXI: The Empire-Builder from CalisotaXII: The Richest Duck in the World
Bonus Chapters
III-B: The Cowboy Captain of the Cutty SarkVI-B: The Vigilante of Pizen Bluff
VIII-B: The Prisoner Of White Agony CreekVIII-C: Hearts of the Yukon
Deleted Scenes & Other Bonus Content
0: The History of the Clan McDuckIII: Cattle WarsVIII: The Phoenix of White Agony CreekX: Teddy's CampaignXI: The Girls Can't Help It
By Others
Bonus Chapters
I-XB: The Orphan's ChristmasVIII-XB: Dime NovelsVIII-XC: Clues of the KlondikeVIII-XD: Christmas on Wheels
Side-Steps & Homages
The Time VortexScrooge vs. Scrooge
Precursors & Inspirations
Christmas on Bear MountainThe Old Castle's SecretOnly a Poor Old ManBack to the KlondikeThe Fantastic River RaceMush!
Black WednesdayNorth of the YukonThe Invisible IntruderThe Secret of the GlacierChairman of the Bored
An Informal Biography of Scrooge McDuckMark Worden's Duck Family TreeOnce Upon a Dime
The Life ands Times of Scrooge McDuck: The Official Score
DuckTales 2017
The Golden Lagoon of White Agony PlainsThe Outlaw Scrooge McDuckThe Richest Duck in the World