Scrooge McDuck Wikia
Scrooge McDuck Wikia

The Time Channel is a mysterious subatomic dimension or state of being.


The Time Channel is a subatomic dimension along which electrons can travel backwards through time. Using time technology from his Tele-Time Viewer and an Electron Gun, Gyro Gearloose once created a working form of time travel where the time travelers were transformed into sentient electrons and then shot back along the Time Channel to an era linked with the present day by the T.T.V. tech. From the inside, the Time Channel was a multicolored dimension filled with large atom-like structures. One would exit into the desired time period through a sort of ripple in the fabric of reality, turning back into a human being as one did so.

Behind the scenes[]

The Time Channel appears in the 1975 story The Deep Sea Deed.
