Tokyolk is the capital of Japan in the 2017 Continuum.
Tokyolk is a thriving metropolis. Gyro Gearloose used to live there, back when he was an intern to the villainous Doctor Akita. They collaborated on a robot that was called (at the time) 2B0. Gyro encouraged 2B0 to regard himself as a definitely real boy, but Akita reprogrammed 2B0 behind Gyro's back to destroy Tokyolk. After being acquitted of Akita's crime, Gyro left Tokyolk, swearing to never return.
However, in the spring of 2020, Gyro was forced to return to his mentor's old lab in Tokyolk with Duck and Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera to repair a glitchy 2B0 (now called B.O.Y.D.). Huey and B.O.Y.D. enjoyed sightseeing around Tokyolk and experiencing the local culture. Akita attempted to make B.O.Y.D. destroy Tokyolk again, but Gyro thwarted Akita by reminding B.O.Y.D. that he was a "definitely real boy".
Behind the Scenes[]
Tokyolk was first seen in Astro B.O.Y.D.!. Notably, the comic story Go, Go, Golden Years! previously confirmed the existence of a Tokyo in the 2017 Continuum.