An Uncharted Island in the 2017 Continuum, whose name is unknown, is home to the Shape-Shifters.
This Uncharted Island was explored by Scrooge McDuck, Launchpad McQuack], [Webby Vanderquack (2017 Continuum)|Webbby Vanderquack and Huey, Dewey and Louie Duck in 2019, with Webby functionally removing its status as an "uncharted" island when she drew a map of it on the way. They found no squirrel among its fauna, to Webby's disappointment, and she drew a squirrel on the map anyway, for decoration.
Unbeknownst to the Ducks, however, a civilization of slimey Shape-Shifter resided in an underground world below the Island. Having observed the surface-worlders, one of them decided to impersonate Launchpad McQuack and go back to Duckburg, while Launchpad was convinced to take a holiday in the Shape-Shifters' underground world, playing video games with them. The Ducks eventually figured out the truth, the impersonator was sent back home and Launchpad was retrieved.
Behind the scenes[]
The Uncharted Island appears in the 2020 comic story Will The Real Launchpad Please Stand Up?.