Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Picsou5606 Picsou5606 20 April 2020

A Letter from Klondike part 8: The outcome

The reunion

Story avaible 04/27/2020

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Picsou5606 Picsou5606 20 April 2020

A Letter from Klondike part 7: The reunion

Goldie's Letter

Story avaible 04/26/2020

The outcome

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Picsou5606 Picsou5606 20 April 2020

A Letter from Klondike part 6: Goldie's Letter

Followinf of Casey Coot's Letter

"My dear Scrooge,

 This month passed alongside you in the "white death Creek" was wonderful. You thought me how a prospector lived every day. Even if I tried to rip you off (riping off people is something that runs in my blood) you managed to give me the taste of honest work. So you managed to make me forget about scamming people, which I did daily.

 I understood at which point you held me dear when I saw that your most precious object was a strand of my hair. By that, I understood that I loved and cared for you.

I need to admit Scrooge, I'm pregnant from you. I'd understand if you didn't want the child. And if you don't come back to talk to me, I'd understand you'd still love me.

 Know that you'll stay the one …

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Picsou5606 Picsou5606 20 April 2020

A Letter from Klondike part 5: Casey Coot's Letter

Follwing of Soon the hour of truth?

Scrooge made himself comfortable in his office chair, took his letter opener and opened the letter that Miss Quackfaster told him to read first. He read at the top right :


 "Casey Coot January 1919, Donaldville"


 Scrooge said to himself:"A letter from Casey, what could he want?" He continued to read:


"My dear friend, Scrooge McDuck,

When you're reading this letter, I will be probably long gone. I don't know who gave you this letter, but he found the logbook that I held while the gold rush in Klondike..."


Scrooge told himself:" I don't know where he's going with this, but I'll probably discover it along my reading." He continued:


"Do you remember that month of January 1898. The day after the big fire and yo…

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Picsou5606 Picsou5606 20 April 2020

A Letter from Klondike part 4: Soon the hour of truth?

Following of What will I do?

After much thought, he said to himself:" We need to know the truth, we need Uncle Scrooge to know. He needs to know that this letter isn't lost. I'm going to have the courage that Casey didn't.". Donald followed the instructions given by Casey, found the letter that he wrote for Scrooge, took the picture book for his grandmother and got out of the attic. He layed the photo album on a table and he ran into his grandmother on his way out, she was fresh out of the garden with a basket full of vegetables. His grandmother asked him:" Did you find what you wanted? And my photo album?"

 -"Here you go grandma, your photo album. I'm gonna go see Uncle Scrooge, I found something about him in your attic. I'll explain later,…

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