Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Víctor José Arriagada Ríos (April 16, 1934 - January 3, 2012) most commonly known as Vicar, was a Chilean comic book artist. He is known to be the most productive Disney comic artist, drawing more than 1200 stories. Despite being so productive, he only wrote three stories himself.


Ríos was born in Santiago, Chile and started his artistic career with political cartoons. He graduated Technical State University of Chile in 1956, and moved to Spain in 1960. In 1971 he drew his first story Buy Ice-Cream Cones.

He came to be one of the biggest and most talented Disney creators, and ad his own studio with artists working for him.

He continued to create stories up until his death in 2012.



Vicar himself stated that he enjoyed, in contrast to Don Rosa, to draw stories in and around Duckburg. Most of his stories are centered around Donald Duck, usually portraying him as unlucky, but caring.

Drawing style[]

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'Half a Duck at Large' (D 3377) May 1975, page 4 - typical Vicar page.

Vicar's drawing style is highly detailed and shares a lot of resemblances to Carl Barks and Marco Rota. His characters are often portrayed with teeth and other human features.

Carl Barks[]

His universe is considered "pretty consistent" with the Carl Barks universe, usually using characters created by Carl Barks. Carl Barks was Vicar's inspiration.

Best stories[]

The readers usually vote Canute The Brute's Battle Axe[1], written by Tom Andersen as the best Vicar story. Vicar's own favorite was his own A Lucky Duck[2].

