Scrooge McDuck Wikia
Scrooge McDuck Wikia

This page describes content which, while legally created, was not licensed by the Walt Disney Company. Walt Goscinny Presents… Pilote-World is a non-canonical, parodical comic story by Marcel Gotlib. It features Walt Goscinny (a parody of René Goscinny who acts like Walt Disney) and versions of Mickey Mouse, Asterix, Iznogoud, Obelix, the Masked Cucumber, Philémon, Lucky Luke and the Ladybug.


Good old Uncle Walt Goscinny introduces Pilote-World, a new Pilote-themed amusement park, in the company of miniature versions of all the comic-book (and Park)'s whimsical characters. The living comic characters turn out to be a bit of an unmanageable bunch…


  • Walt Goscinny claims that Pilote-World will be about the size of Disney-World, meaning 117 times as large as the original Disneyland.
  • Mickey Mouse shows up only to realize he's "in the wrong journal".

Behind the scenes[]

This parody of Walt Disney's commercial appearances on television appearing alongside animated versions of his characters was published in 1971 (the year Walt Disney World opened) in France in Pilote #600, and was later collected in Volume 2 of Rubrique-à-Brac, also being reprinted in its original langauge in the Greek ΚΟΜΙΞ #216

It has, to date, never been published in English.
