Scrooge McDuck Wikia
Scrooge McDuck Wikia

Wraiths are a kind of spirit existing in a variety of worlds and planes.


The term of “Wraith” broadly applies to impersonal ghosts with little to no individuality, usually appearing as tall shrouded figures with blank shadows for faces and long, spindly arms. Although some wraiths fly freely in the night, and have enough individuality for some of them to join the nightly Swinging Wake in the Haunted Mansion's Ballroom,[1] others have little to no willpower and are summoned at will by more powerful beings — including other ghosts — to do their bidding.[2]

Gray Curse Toadstools, and, presumably, other magical methods, can be used to transform living beings into wraiths, a technique used and abused by the Queen of the Black Market among others.[3][NON-DISNEY] Somewhat similar to Wraiths were the slightly more corporeal Evil Spirits created by Atticus Thorn as minions in the later 1970's[4] and various shrouded spirits of the damned summoned by Chernabog for his dark sabbath.[5]

Behind the scenes[]

Wraiths are believed to have first appeared in the Disney comics universe in 1969's The Haunted Mansion.

Notes & References[]

  1. The Haunted Mansion (1969 ride).
  2. The Haunted Mansion (2003 film).
  3. Misadventures in the Interdimensional Black Market (2019).
  4. The Haunted Mansion (2003 video game).
  5. Fantasia (1940).